Monday, February 29, 2016

A Visit! - We can finally shut the bathroom door.

Matt's family came to visit us one Saturday after new years.  They came with snacks, houseplants, and helping hands.
Matt and I have a pretty large collection of cacti and succulents, 
which have been living at his mom's.
This little guy wants re-potting, but it will just have to wait.

Something that had been driving me crazy was a lack of privacy up stairs, due to the fact that none of the doors would shut properly, one of those old house features I guess.  The bathroom door in particular would not stay closed, lucky for us Matt's grandfather is a master carpenter.  He was able to plane down the edges of the doors and show us how to reset them to hang strait.  The moment the bathroom door finally shut was more exciting, to the people who needed to pee, than I can explain. 

We were also treated to a scale floor-plan by Pete.  This was so cool because it really illustrated how far off square part of the house is.  I had suspected, but its hard to really describe it when you are in the room.    
While everyone was here, a leak in an upstairs bedroom ceiling was discovered, so the guys explored the attic a bit.   
Attic adventures.
 When the leak was found, the plaster on that part of the ceiling was just crumbling off and it looked like there had been a shoddy patch job at some point in the past.  Also there was a gross clod of dirt/bird's nest up in the lathes of the ceiling. 
Leak, booooo.
Even with all this going on, it was great to have a house full of people for the day, it was very motivating.



  1. Ahaha but don't you want the "charm" of an older house? Doors are for prudes anyways!

    1. We still have a ton of charm and you know it. Charm = lead paint.


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